Edinboro United Methodist

Embrace. Engage. Ignite.

113 High Street, Edinboro
814-734-3182 [email protected]

The First Baptist Church of Edinboro

Preaching & teaching from the Word of God in a loving, family atmosphere.

12472 Edinboro Road, Edinboro PA
(814) 734-1914

McLane Church

Eliminate Barriers and give access to Christ.

12511 Edinboro Road
(814) 734-1907 | [email protected]

Our Lady of the Lake

​The Mission of Our Lady of the Lake Parish is to make Christ and His Church the Living reality of all people subject to our influence, to bring them together in community, and to share Christ in faith, hope, love under the guidance of the Holy Spirit & through the ministry of the Catholic Church. 

128 Sunset Dr, Edinboro, PA 16412, US
(814) 734-3113

Unity in Edinboro

All spiritual paths welcome

130 Meadville Street, Edinboro
814-314-9297 – [email protected]